Dewinter onder vuur vanwege toespraak bij Gouden Dageraad

De Vlaams-nationalistische partij Vlaams Belang heeft parlementslid Filip Dewinter op de vingers getikt voor zijn toespraak bij de extreem-rechtse Griekse partij Gouden Dageraad. In een persbericht zegt het partijbestuur dat het zich distantieert van de Griekse partij. Volgens voorzitter Tom van

Greece’s Trade Unionists Stand Against Fascists

KEVIN OVENDEN AN IMAGE of Adolf Hitler, his right hand upturned giving the fuehrer’s salute. “Millions stand behind me!” — his boastful slogan. To complete the photomontage, towering behind him the outsized cutout of a German capitalist stuffing millions of

NSU Watch: Two Hundred Days of Trial

On the occasion of the two hundredth day of trial, and marking two years since the beginning of the NSU-trial against Beate Zschäpe, Ralf Wohlleben, André Eminger, Holger Gerlach and Carsten Schultze in the higher regional court in Munich, NSU-watch would like to present a short appraisal of the proceedings.


As a result, a party that would, surely, have been declared illegal in most European countries, is here ensured the privilege of legitimate operation. (video)

The Trial of Golden Dawn’s Neo-Nazis Has Begun

Thus, a simple “caress” of a conviction bears no outcome whatsoever.
It is the first time that a Nazi organization will be tried in a court of law, even as it remains the third largest party in parliament, with 388,447 voters, and as the current government remains a majority-Left coalition


The initiative Golden Dawn Watch was presented today by the Hellenic League for Human Rights, the Greek Observatory against Fascism and Racist Speech in the Media, which works under the Educational Foundation of ESIEA (Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers), the Antifascist League of Athens and Piraeus, and the City of Athens Migrants’ Integration Council.

